Vanessa from Little Boho in France was kind enough to write a Blog Post & Product review on some of our skin care. Check out her website
Hello girls,
I told you a few month ago that I would like to talk about new topics on the blog. You must have noticed the creation of a section Food & Drink recently, and soon the topic Sport will be create. A category that is important for me because I love to play sports but this is a subject I don't talking on blog until now ... I now want to share with you my favorite exercises, my favorite sports, looks ... Stay tuned :)
Meanwhile, today we will talk a little Beauty.
So I wouldn't presume to give you advices on how to make up ... I let it to professional people (I make up a little so it's rather me who needs it :)), but I rather want to let you discover new brands, artisans who work with their heart, brands that use natural products ...
While some brands test their products on animals and use ingredients that we don't really know the effects on skin, some brands like Ujjayi, using her expertise and her love for quality products, to create products based on natural ingredients such as coconut, green tea, bergamot, red berries, vanilla .... it makes you want already ! And believe me the smell that emanates of the products when received is really super nice ...
Ujjayi, it's soaps, masks, lip balms, oils as well as teas, candles all handmade by Esther, the creator of the brand in her studio in California. The products are tested on Yogis community that supports her.
You want to know more, find the interview of Esther at the bottom of the article.